Aftercare At Bryanston Primary School Aftercare, we strive to provide an environment where our children feel secure, safe and loved.

At Bryanston Primary School Aftercare, we strive to provide an environment where our children feel secure, safe and loved. Our staff will do their best to give personal attention to them where it is needed.

An array of activities will be available for the children, e.g. creative, constructive and physical activities, art activities, reading sessions, DVDs etc.

  • Grade R-3 homework will be supervised, and staff will assist with reading.
  • Grade 4-7 learner academic work that is not completed in class is therefore completed at Aftercare, under the supervision of the staff, or at home.

It is the learners responsibility to ensure that homework not completed during the academic day is done at Aftercare, once they return form their extramural commitments. The Aftercare staff will not be held liable for learners not completing work, as this depends on the time the learner returns from their extramural and the time that they are picked up from school.

Please note that learners not enrolled at Aftercare are not under the supervision of the Aftercare teachers.

Times: Grade R-7 Aftercare runs in sync with the school times and calendar. When school closes, the Aftercare day will commence.

Learner arrival time at Aftercare will depend on the extramurals in the afternoons. Aftercare is only provided during the term and excludes public holidays, school holidays and the last day of the term.

Aftercare runs until 17:00 each day. After 17:00 parents, who have not collected their children, will be able to find their children at the waiting area, under the supervision of the security guards.

Information Pack

For full details of Bryanston Primary’s aftercare offering, including fees, terms and conditions, and application forms, please download the information pack available below.

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